septiembre 24, 2008

Livni: Ahmadinejad speech makes mockery of UN vow of 'never again'

Livni: Ahmadinejad speech makes mockery of UN vow of 'never again'
12:29 24/09/2008
By Barak Ravid, Haaretz Correspondent, Haaretz Service and News Agencies
The head of the ruling Kadima party, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, blasted the United Nations on Wednesday for granting Iran's president a platform to deliver an address against "Zionist murderers" that contradicted its vow to prevent another Holocaust.
"[Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad's speech makes the situation absurd for an organization that raised the banner of 'Never Again' upon its establishment," said Livni. After winning a Kadima leadership primary, she was invited by President Shimon Peres on Monday to form the next coalition government.
Ahmadinejad, in an address that opened with a long discourse on God, justice and morality, told the 192-nation UN General Assembly on Tuesday that a few "deceitful" Zionists were manipulating Americans and Europeans and controlled the world's financial and monetary systems.
Livni continued: "The ultimate [challenge] is still ahead of us as Iran requests to join the UN Security Council. The significance would be to let a criminal become his own judge. "It is absurd that a state unparalleled in threatening the security of its neighbors and calling for the destruction of another state should be a member of a body whose goal is to further global security."

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