Forget Palestine? Surely You Jest.
By CLAUDE SALHANI (Editor, Middle East Times )
Published: September 24, 2008
Published: September 24, 2008
Okay. The Israeli-Palestinian peace talks are getting nowhere fast. Some experts are starting to say that maybe it's time to look at the future of Palestine with a completely set of new lenses. The paradox in the comatose peace negotiations is that although the details calling for a two-state solution are generally accepted by all sides, a solution is not truly desired by either the Palestinians or the Israelis for various reasons.
One such expert looking into innovative approaches to the long-standing problem is a former adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, who offered what could certainly be considered a revolutionary approach to the Israeli-Palestinian debacle:
Forget about Palestine!
That's right, forget about Palestine. Give the land back to the Jordanians.
Major General Giora Eiland, a retired officer of Israel's general staff, presented his view on how to solve the current dilemma in the Middle East at a conference in Washington, Tuesday.
Hold on. Before you smash your keyboard in anger (or delight), depending on which side of the separation barrier you find yourself, read on. The idea, at least part of it, has merit. Not the part about forgetting about Palestine, but the part about enlarging parts of it. Yes, this is not a mistake, enlarging part of Palestine. Well, sort of.
Eiland argues that much has changed in the last eight years when U.S. President Bill Clinton attempted to push through a last minute peace deal between Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat and then Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak. If at that time a deal could have been obtained, the reality of the ground today is very different.
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